Behavior Expectations

We understand that every child and every situation is different. When an issue arises, we will handle each scenario according to the severity and/or patterns of behavior. Most situations will be solved through redirection and a one-on-one discussion. If the behavior continues or escalates, we will use a variety of options. Please know our goal is to use the least severe consequences but will strictly follow the Dysart adopted discipline matrix. We will contact you about situations that require more than just a one-on-one discussion.

Possible consequences:

  • Phone conference
  • Detention: before school, after school, NEVER during lunch (reduced lunch periods-law requires an eating period of 15 mins)
  • Parent/teacher conference
  • Peer conference: talk between the parties involved
  • Office referral
  • OCR
  • OSS

We want you to know that YOUR child is a precious resource and deserves a learning environment that includes students who follow rules, policies, procedures, assignments, and given tasks. Your child does not deserve to have his/her education experience hindered in any way by students who are disruptive, off task, breaking policies, or are creating an environment that diminished learning activities. Our policy is to honor all children through consistent expectations of behavior and management.


The law protects your child---

  • School boards have the job of supporting and assisting teachers in the enforcement of rules. (A.R.S.15-843.D.1.-4.)
  • A teacher may remove a student from the classroom who is disruptive. (A.R.S.15-841.A.2.)

To learn more visit the ADE Website.