
CRS is providing your child with ONE planner (a.k.a. an agenda) this school year for many reasons which include:

  • Record homework/assignments
  • Record due dates
  • Communication between school and home
  • Time management
  • Learning about priorities
  • Staying organized
  • Learning life skills

Planners are a required element in the classroom on a daily basis, and students will be taught how and when to use them. We will have random checks to ensure the students are utilizing the planners in a productive manner. If the student accrues two negative random checks in a row, parents will be contacted. It is our hope that parents will also utilize the planners in order to understand expectations and create dialogue regarding school work/content.


Procedures for specific communication circumstances:

  • If a teacher writes a positive or delta (change needed) to parents, we ask that parents sign the communiqué simply as acknowledgement. No further action is required unless there is a need.
  • If the parent writes a note to teacher and IT IS NOT signed by the teacher, assume the child failed to communicate the note with the teacher. Please email or call us at that point.
  • If a specific document is sent home by a teacher for the parent, it will be recorded. If you DID NOT RECIEVE the document, DO NOT sign for it. Ask your child where it is. If the student DOES NOT produce the document communicate that in the planner, or email/call.
  • All communication that requires return or receipt of signature (report card, permission slip, notes) must be returned within two days.

Note: Emails are a quick and easy way to stay in contact. Keep these items in mind:

  • Student learning comes first. We will never choose to read/respond to emails during your child's time.
  • The staff sometimes has meetings before school, during prep, after school, therefore, emails may not be read as quickly as we'd like.
  • Our day begins and ends at the same time your child's day does. Most days we are early and late, but occasionally, due to life circumstances, we are unable to do this. Unfortunately, email time suffers as a result.
  • Emails are dry and lack intonation. It is important to assume positive intentions. If the emails 'sound' like poor communication or negativity, either party should request face to face contact. We definitely do not want unintended intonation to cause friction. 
  • Please provide the teacher 2 days response time. If you have an emergency, email is NOT the best way to contact us.